pic courtesy of Dave Mclellan

So its finally sunny and warm here on teh South Island for the weekly TNR. As usual at this time of year i have one or two too many layers on. At any rate it was great turnout as you can see, with the retyrn of Suds as he has been away working in Alberta. We the usual route through Highrock Park, past the 4mile pub and on past Thetis to Highland Road. I am trying to stay out front a little bit these days, but as I slow and wait for instructions on where to go but none come, until the group turns right behind me. 1st to worst again. I forgo the broom infested powerline trail to Munns and just boogie down the road. Its a good thing as well as Shank had some derailuer grabbing by the voracious weed!! We pick up the pace up Munss Road where Eugene attacks, Dave counters and they peel away. Johnny gives them just enough rope to hang themselves with and then goes out after them, reeling them back in a quick. As we turn onto Robb Rd and hit the trail the pace quickens dramatically. It splits into two groups as we climb fun trail and over the Pro city Race course. We end up losing Eugene who is still tender from the previous weeks bail on the Cairn. With no true trail boss the trail selection after this suffers a little. We choose to climb Snakes and Ladders instead of the traditional Switchback. Again I ended up at the rear so with a head start given i try and work my way up the grunting climb to bridge the gap to the front. At the end of it all i think i was 5th or 6th to the top, and only 30secs off or so. Again no one really wanted to lead so I took the initiative and started down from the lookout and out towards Bubblewrap. Taking the pace up off the front with Johnny right on my wheel as a good motivator the group starts to get a little shredded, with a few more bodies peeling off. We crest the top, John and Carter not even breathing ( grr ) and i continue to lead out to Bubble Wrap. As we hit the intersection I make the corner to hit the trail and I can hear vetoing power behind me. Well i am just a tourist on this ride but Russ and Drew are on the same page as me so we peel from the group and hammer Bubble Wrap and Todd's Trail while the others hit up Legend. Both super wicked trails but the way we went had more instant gratification, and less Munn's Madness. We cruised back to town, passing some very disgruntled roadies in the process, at a very manageable pace. Then as the pace kicked up, they got smaller. Still when the power goes down on the road my legs feel like they are in a vice. So Russ and Drew simply rode me off there wheel. Thank god for red lights. A great 3+ hour TNR again and at the end opf the day my weakness ( the road ) can only get stronger by riding with these monsters!


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