So its a pretty busy Thursday and 4:50 is steadily approaching! The fear of missing the mtn bike ride is creeping in as I panic to finish the bike that I am repairing. Thankfully all works out with no more major bugs and I get to mount up and hit the road. A small group shows as the weather is not the best, some have a new edition to the family, others are adding additions to homes. At any rate it is a managable size group. Right outta the gate we lose a rider as Eugene does a header in Highrock Park and sprains only his ankle, luckily. Troy almost loses it down the slick rock as well, riding right through the bushes cutting up his hand. It is an ominous start to the ride to say the least. As we make our way on the road to some trail the rain begins to hammer us into oblivion. In desperate need of shelter we hit the highway trail past Thetis and up Bellamy road to a trail down to the speedway. Shank drops a chain and does a graceful header in front of me as we make our way in a splintered group down the the fencline and off to Bear Mountain for more shelter. The ride is lacking flow as we climb what appears to be one of the old Highland trails. After this debacle we make it towards the finlayson arm area and climb a bit to this micro-tower were Barry says he has a trail lightly marked out. Enter the snow flurries!! It gets nasty in a hurry as we make our way through this super tech, greasy and often steep fresh trail and off to millstream road. With not much light and most off the bite gone we make our way over the highway and back into town. I lead out with Barry most of the way, trying to keep the pace liveable in the GNARLEY weather. Just when i thought it would be a group making it home they attack on propane hill and i just sit up and say screw it! I am a mtn biker not a roadie, thankfully!!! 3+ hours on the bike when most people couldn't be bothered. Now, laundry done, body temperature restored to normal and time for bed!!!
" Its easier to sit in then to sit up."
Photo Courtesy of Dave Mclellan