Loooong Day

SOOOO I am sitting at Trek Pro City because in my walking slumber I thought 8am was 9 am, so I figured I would tell you about my Thursday. Mical has made the Pan Ams team which has her racing in Columbia this spring. SWEEET. So my day started uber early, 3am to be exact, so I could Drive her and Hadley to the airport. Really? Is a 530am flight truly necessary? I guess so. It has been a stressful week trying to squirel parts for Mical's new Trek 9.9 Elite but with much help from Melanie McQuaid and Peter Wellsmen, not to mention Bill Fry for getting the frame. it all worked out, with one day to go. had to peel some parts of Gary to make it work in the end but now she has a sweet hardtail speed weapon. With the long morning of driving and not being able to sleep again I decided to edit my photos from the Cobble Hill XC. Some of which I think turned out ok. I also wrote a quick write up about the race for Canadian Cyclist. SO as you can see it has been a busy week NOT on the bike. So I was looking forward to the Thursday nighter.

quitter [ˈkwɪtə] n a person who gives up easily; defeatist, deserter, or shirker

19 guys out this evening as the light stays later and later. I have used no lights for two straight weeks.....I think it will stick. The ride took us up Scafe Hill, over to Mt Work and out the dump.to Munns Rd. where the teeth start to chomp. The line started to spread out down Munn and approaching Burnside. I made a small attack up the hill and as we crested Carter blew past me and opened a big gap. I was blown and with nobody making the move to chase i sat in and was thankful that red light was looming, Carter hit when green and he he was gone. A few guys jumped the red which blew the group apart. I rode back in and tried to scooby through the school and grab back on, seeing the group just past Mckenzie when I look left to see a 4 car accident. Taylor, Welling and I wait at the light, asking a man if everyone is alright. We rode smoothly into town as I ramped up with Welling to see if I could hit the 2nd chase group again. Alas, they crested the tressle just in front of me. A little to much going on to hold the wheels tonight, but felt good none the less. And now it is 4degrees and raing so am pondering weither I need to CX ride Friday or not.


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