2010 BCBR Day 0

My Saturday starts off as every Saturday does: Peeling myself out of bed and rolling downstairs to fire up the espresso and start to make some pre ride breakfast for Mical and myself. She makes her way downstairs shortly after the purr of the bean grinder, gives me a smooch and wanders over to the desk to check her email for her days workout. She tells me that Pedal Mag has asked her to do daily online updates and a magazine spread for BCBR like the one she did for Trans Rockies. Regrettably there were obligations that wouldn’t allow her to report so she was asked if she knew anyone else that would be up for it. She looks over at me and says “Hey Babe, you wanna do BCBR?” Well obviously my answer is yes and over the next few days I work through the logistics of riding and reporting with Pedal Mag. I make sure the guys at Pro City Cycles (my employer in Victoria) are cool with me being gone and they couldn’t wait to be rid of me! Sweet! I am about to do BCBR on no training other then my normal riding schedule. Pfft, how hard could it be? I was support for some friends the year prior and was stoked at the opportunity to give it a whirl myself. Before I knew it a week had passed and I was on the eve of the beginning of a great adventure at the 2010 BCBR.

Day Zero comes very early indeed as we need to get off the island and head to North Van for the Prologue and Registration. The Garmin is set, the truck is stuffed and we are antsy to ride so it’s off to the shore we go! The registration and prologue will be taking place at Inter River Park in North Vancouver. I am familiar with this locale as Mical and I were here about a month prior to take part in North Shore Mountain Bike Festival. With parking secured we head on to the mayhem that would be registration.

Entering the bustling parking lot where registration is taking place your mind goes into overload. It’s filled with vendors, industry tents, Penske trucks loading supplies and oh yeah, 500 or so riders. I think back to 2009 when the registration was in a hotel in downtown Van and cringe. This locale is so much better and conducive to a good time being outside on a great temperate day! Even though there is around 200 people at any given time in line with you get to clown around and catch up with folks that you generally don’t get to see on a regular basis so it makes the experience palatable. I am looking around and grinning as this line up is the only time I will be in front of the likes of Kris Sneddon, Cory Wallace and even Catherine Pendral for the next 7 days! We secure our schwag and credentials and no its time to hit a trail….finally!!

I am all suited up and waiting for my turn to hit the approximately 10 minute prologues to get everyone’s chip timer into the system. This trail was gassed out of the gate. Hard as you can go for 10 minutes plus. It made me realize I am a bit of slug but you power through on excitement and anticipation. I finish the trail in around 11:30 which I am happy with. We immediately hit the truck, eat change and load all the gear up and head right back to the ferry to get ready for Day 1 in Nanaimo!

photo courtesy of Patrick Graham


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