Still On The Road
So Micals race was bit rough. Broken chain the 1st lap, followed by a flat tire last lap. With all that time wasted running she still was not pulled and finish 19 mins back. I try and focus on the positive. She was worked worse then i had ever seen. We got her all cleaned up, dropped the bike off at the Trek Toronto trailer supplied by Barry Near ( thanks again ) and I took her out for some Sicilian pizza. A very bad ass pizza i must admit.
The next day we drove up to Vermont to a place called East Burke and The Kingdom Trails. This network is often in mags as being a must stop locale for riding. 100 miles of trails?? OK, i am in. You pay 10 bux and all the proceeds go to trail maintenance. These trails were so fun and the way they wind through the farming community is a real testament to what you can achieve if we are all on the same page. It
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