Still On The Road

So Micals race was bit rough. Broken chain the 1st lap, followed by a flat tire last lap. With all that time wasted running she still was not pulled and finish 19 mins back. I try and focus on the positive. She was worked worse then i had ever seen. We got her all cleaned up, dropped the bike off at the Trek Toronto trailer supplied by Barry Near ( thanks again ) and I took her out for some Sicilian pizza. A very bad ass pizza i must admit.

The next day we drove up to Vermont to a place called East Burke and The Kingdom Trails. This network is often in mags as being a must stop locale for riding. 100 miles of trails?? OK, i am in. You pay 10 bux and all the proceeds go to trail maintenance. These trails were so fun and the way they wind through the farming community is a real testament to what you can achieve if we are all on the same page. It is so humid out here i am soaking through with sweat all day, every day. But it has been nice to get away from the thoughts in my head. I know I will have to deal with the events of last week but right now I am ignoring them. We stayed at this 100yr old lodge in Vermont that was an old hunting and fishing lodge. It had the first real bathroom in the area waaaay back when and apparently people would come from all around to see it. LOL. Really massive place right on the lake. It was quite something. Today was a travel day to get to Mont St. Anne. Brenda and Dave rented a condo out here for the week so its very relaxing for me as Mical gets to stay with the National Team. Solo guy on the pullout. HAHA. Thanks again Dave and Brenda for the kind gifts, the great dinner and my bday cake. I loved it all. I am looking forward to the week ahead and getting Dave in on some trail time.


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