
It was an awesome night for a mtn bike ride. My day started with an impromptu "staff" meeting on the deck @Pro City Cycles. By staff meeting i mean there was sun light on the deck for the first time in 6 months so we all said#5 and had coffee a Jen Maclean cookies in the sun. On with the day, leaving at 445 with daylight and a light strapped to my head as a "just in case" is sooo awesome. Woodie even decided t cmoe out so yo know its close to summer!! Partridge hills was the flavour of the day so its a rip through the Cairn ( i wont talk about the two flats in the cairn......but i just did.) followed by a long stint on the goose to Durrance Lake road, with some pinners off the front already which means its a long night if they are attacking already. The group gets split going up the climb and as we enter Nowaks "herky" trail there may have been a wardrobe change and another mechaincal. This trail is super loamy and tech, but fun all the same. And Onward to Partridge Hills. The John-Star on full go these trails are a " giddy-up" all flow, climb descend climb descend. These guys are the best trail bosses on the West Coast. We hit danger trail in failing light.......won't mention another flat.....and we needle our way through nervously as the group is really spotted. Onto Old Durrance road were the legs of some appear to be uber fresh. so its a group of folks that start the pull down W Saanich Road same as always, Burying bodies as the forever changing peloton worms our way down the road. Kiwi, Yves, D-Mc doing a lot of work to "grave-digging" down the road as we enter the goose intersect with 3 roadies sitting waiting..........SWALLOWED AND SHAT!! The ride pins up this little incline and my body says ENUFF!! So fine. Kiwi and I putput against the wind watching flashy red lights get smaller and smaller. I swallow my pride and hit the shop. Luckily for me Tor's lovely fiance had provided a Irish Stew, Homemade Beer Bread , and Guinny, Bailey and chocolate cupcakes for the post ride clubhouse affairs. Its just another Thursday Nighter on The Isle of Van. Thx to our gracious clubhouse host Dave MC and Tor for all the grub.


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