Pro City XC Island Cup #1

Well here we go again. After my first full year of racing I was pretty stoked to get going again in 2011. New bike, same old me. I feel quite strong this year, not so much as a racer ( which i do not pretend to be) but as a rider. A lot of riding with Mical over the winter and the cross on the rocks series, and the Thursday Nighter really put the screws into my legs. With Mical away i sleep even less then normal....and those who know me know that's not a lot. so with a whopping 24 hrs of sleep for the week i head out feeling pretty alright. Palmer and I hammered pretty good the day previous but whatever. Like I said i am not a racer so i cant turn my fun button off. Got there early as I had some schwag for Pro City so I hob nobbed a little bit before getting changed. With still a couple hours to go I rode around for a while to keep warm. Even seeing Russell in "i need a mechanic mode"! Fix him up and head down executive trail and over to the Red Barn for a pre race bite. I run into Yves on my way back in so we chat till I peel off Hartland. Put-Put up the hill and legs feel great, warming up like a real racer so maybe i will have a good race. I moved up to expert this year.......because I think i need to be dummy slapped for the whole year. There were almost 30 guys out for expert ( 96 total riders ) which is massive for our little series. Right off the gun I could tell something was up. My hips and legs were moving but the mechanics to move them were askew.......wicked askew. Normally can seat climb everything at the dump middle ring but was having a hard time getting them going. Try as I might it was futile. Then I started getting light headed and the grip n the bar became lax at best. At the end of the day common sense won out on bravado, 1 and done. I was ( am ) demoralized and embarrassed at my showing. Its very lame that i didn't have the will to fight through. oh well, i will be back....maybe. Huge thanks to Scotty and Spence from Trek Pro City Victoria and to all the volunteers for putting on a wicked race. Definitely the toughest course of the season. See ya in Powell River


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