Friday part 4

Friday night comes this week with a little panic this week then others, as the shop was a little quieter then weeks past. This means we actually had time to get ready. Just 2 combatants on this full moon evening: Scotty, Clay and Myself. Mitch had sold his cross bike about 2 hours prior to the ride so no PBR'S for him. A downer to be sure but the high to that is that Pro City DH star Dave Pfaffenberger was the proud new owner of said cross bike so we have another man to introduce to beer flavored suffering.
We decieded to shoot the goose out to Mt. Doug to check out some of the shoulder trails that in the day are way to busy to try and ride. We stopped for a PBR and after a lot of grunting, climbing, and even some bike shouldered running we were at our destination. Half way up to trails that are fast, swoopy and full of sneaky rocks and roots waiting to grab your wheel and ruin your buzz. The problem is that all that fast dh means you have to climb back up. This climb was fire road but it almost killed us. Halfway up there was a sandpit at 14% which almost ground us to a stop :( Clay of course was way worse of as he only has one gear....CRAZY BASTARD!!! Some more wicked fun downhill filled with greasy corner and surprise brake checks and we are spit out on the road to hammer to our next location. ....Mystic Vale!
Making sure to be on the lookout for bunnies and deer we hit the upper trails at uvic before plunging down the stairs, Scotty almost making it all the way down, and then to a super fast greeeeasy trail beside the creek a short little section but well worth the trip. Scotty then informed us that he was out of beer while Clay and I still had one. Well on Friday this is unacceptable so it was Webb to the rescue as he was the only one with a bank card so we coasted down to Caddy Bay to reload. Boo on Smugglers Cove for not having PBR so the next cheapest was Olympia.....hahah. Good enough for Friday. A rolling beer taster through Uplands leads us to Uplands Park. There are so many little trails here you just keep it pinned and make the junctions on a whim, without really knowing where the hell you are going! These trails were really CX friendly, mud and deeep water. We round a corner into what appears to be a swamp, but the olfactory senses were telling me otherwise. It may have been more like raw sewage.
From there the spin turned into the Saturday morning hammerfest past Oak Bay Marina, admiring the full moon above the masts and suffering like a beast. We pin it through the golf course, and on to King George Tce. Scotty pinned it right off the hop and I never saw him again. I sat on Clays wheel making sure I saved some legs for the park. I am trying to work on seated power so I resist the urge o stand and power up the hills. The next hill is just after the Ross Bay cemetery so Scotty starts to go again so I pull up beside him and we push each other up the hill, both hoping the other would crack first.....and it was Scott!!!! " I blew!!" I think were the words. HAHA. i told him i did about 30 seconds prior. We spin up to the flagpole, have a beer and then give'r some more. Following Scotties fast improv laps, right on hos wheel almost guessing at which way he is going was wicked fun. I almost got rock bitten a couple of times. Throw in the steep climb 3 times and a latch on climbing bail by Scotty and we were cooked. a quick beer at Capital City Cycles and it ws time to hit the road home. Wicked fun route and a long night. 1130 by the time I got home. A good late night PBR Friday.
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