PBR Friday Nighter

There are 4 brave souls on the misty, rainy Friday night. Clay, Tony, first timer Kenyon and myself. Haldor had a shoe malfunction so he was out this eve. shoe malfunction def: 1. When you forget the shoes that attach to your pedals.

Heading down esquimalt road to the Cairn and I hear Clay Ask " Guess what I forgot?" Well being as he had delivered the 15 PBR and had one at the shop I was surprised to hear that it was his road PBR he had forgotten,hmmph. Kids these days, no focus. Soooo, after a pit stop at another beer store we head into Highrock Park. A few twist and turns and a near wheely drop wipe out my part ( thank god for long limbs ) and we start to head out to View Royal. Heading across the tracks.....most of us on our wheels. Kenyon had a little issue with timing and the sound of lycra and aluminium across wet pavement echoed in my head from the left. All is good so we carry on. The trails past Thriftys were surprisingly muddy, like grab your wheel and send you to the woods muddy. So funny listenig to the guys in the back "whoa"ing and laughing as they scooby through the mud, surprised by its power!! We ride the fenceline trail past Thetis lake and joined up with some trail behind Western Speedway. A few jukes and jives to get over to Nixon Trail with the help of Kenyon's Langford directional knowledge and we ride backwards through Nixon. Kenyon breathing down my neck, even attempting a pass on the outside, to no avail, and up to the bridge where i am safe to say nobody eats it. The water is so calm and the sky is ominous for a PBR break. Up through the sports centre and a quick stop at OBB West Shore and we are off to Royal roads for the last leg of the night. Just some up top trails this eve as I have zero climbing legs under me. Allllll the roots are greasy as hell and I think a couple of them surprised us all. Everyone safe and en route to home. The group splits and another Friday nighter is in the books. Thanks again to Clay for the 15'er delivery...and the extra 6 that came shortly there after!! Thanks again to Pro City Cycles for allowing us to use the shop as a hub for cross debauchery!


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