
Sunday was the last Cross on the Rocks race at the brilliant venue of Shawnigan lake school. Mical and I awoke nice and early, had a big ass breaky , packed up Big Red and made our last race day trip up island. For those of you who have never seen Shawigan School it is one of those places that the Fortune 500 kids go to school at. The grounds are out of a fairy tale almost and the facility as a whole is immaculate! You walk into the rugby clubhouse where registration was and its all oversized leather sofas and chairs. I wanted to cancel our day and get a cigar and brandy and enjoy the room, but there is a race today so maybe another time! All set so we gear up for a couple warm up laps of the 3km course. Super soft "cow pasture" right off the horn. Twisty, off camber, slippery and throw in a mini whirly bird too........thats gonna be DEEP!! Next section spit you into a creek bed single track, rocky and how you say moist and fast? Leading up high speed to the run up of 1000 cement stairs followed by a really rad lil ashpalt psuedo step up to berm ( mtn bikers know what im talking about).Back to the trees to grunt out a climb, around the soccer pitch with more deep mud and water then down to the steeples and a single track climb to the finish. AWESOME COURSE!!!

Time for our race so 37ish riders line up for the call up. Just as my luck goes I got the shaft with no call up at all, so I start at the very back....greeeat! Coles notes of the race was a lot of people flatting out on the creek bed as the field split up pretty fast. My legs felt good and hung with some people till the last lap then was on my own mostly. Thought I had an awesome race but apparently by my placing I was very wrong. Leaves me a lil dissapointed but oh well, thats racing.

Mical had to go against Allison Sydor but I know that she has the stuff beat her one day, which she has done once in her career already. She got a great start with a holeshot but Alison realed that in fairly quick and started pulling away. Mical looked really strong and was in second most of the race. With me being all over shooting pics it is difficult to keep track off lacings, especially when Allison usually laps the masters and women. Mical came through ahead of her last lap and finished in 1st place. Apparently the creek bed claimed Alison as well. Great end to the season for Mical. Now we can just ride to ride.....well I can. Big ass prize bonanaza after in the clubhouse which is awesome because noone left empty handed. Great Big Thanks to Wendy Simms, Norm Thibeault, Dave Shiskoff and Ian Craib for the set up of this race. an extra rad end of the season venue. Hope we get it next year as well. I am not sure where Wendy and Norm get the energy but if you see them you should thank them for all the hard work they put into running this series. SIMPLY AMAZING!!

I know have a taste for racing and I need to eat again soon!!! See ya at Island Cup 2010!


  1. haha - glad you enjoyed it. =)

    Next time i'll put the whirl on the off-camber..muahaha.. ;)

  2. CX racing = fun.
    Regan in tights = fun.


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