I am sitting here editing photos, having a beer and reflecting on this past week and all the emotion and energy surrounding it. It was truly one of the busier weeks in a long while. First there's racing Sunday, Mical and I driving home Monday, working all week and squeezing in a few pre work rides, organizing and unpacking and lotsa figuring out where stuff goes well as 8 bikes!! Take that and couple it with my fathers passing my mind has had hardly a moment to rest. If Mical wasn't with me this would be soooo much harder then it al
ready is! She truly is the light of my day! She arrived right into a double header weekend of racing on the rock! I couldn't get Saturday off so I sent her out solo in Big Redd to find the farm. From what I heard it was a total slop fest!! And after seeing some pics I know why! She had fun and her bike and kit, even after spraying it off was more then a lil funky!! hahah. Jamie and Susan threw a nice social later that eve and we got to meet some pretty fun people and had a pretty good ole' time. Sunday means my turn to race and we couldn'
t have asked for a better day. 10+ outside and no rain or clouds for that matter. Course was super fun and uber challenging. Lotsa climbing and a long run up to boot. I struggled my way around for 5 laps of torture and mud and was sooooo fun. I even took home the 22min Lighthouse Beer Prime!! I am really enjoying xcross, i only wish i had of been able to get the whole season in. Next yr for sure. Tuesday sees Mical and myself flying back to FMM for just a couple days to say a final goodbye to Bill and put him in his place. Am hoping for some normalcy to arrive in the next few weeks, to get back on schedule and to have a routine again. I guess I can only wait and see.

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