
So this year i decided to take part in the Rapha endorsed, Strava recorded Festive 500. Why you ask? Well I have never been very good at setting goals myself but seem to excel when something is put in front of me to aim for. Having completed the #rapharising challenge of the same ilk I knew that I really enjoyed the numbers game of riding with a set elevations needed, everyday plotting out routes that would maximize my gains. So with the #festive500 i did the same, sitting down the night prior to plot out enjoyable but long routes. The catch was that i needed to complete the challenge while not riding the last two days as it was surfing nye in Tofino. I came up with a couple 2 a day possibilities, a Leechtown, a TDV and a couple good post work as well....oh ya, was working the whole time too, minus Xmas day. The riding wasnt so much about the mileage but more about what I could put myself through to achieve my goal. My brain struggles with self worth sometimes and th...