The Rain.

Days are getting shorter. Rain is coming more frequently. Puddles forming as leaves fill them up. I love The Island's fall season. I have my cross bike all dialed in and was supposed to hit up some Wednesday night practice but was a solo shop day so no crossy for regy!! :( Its all good as i made my own cross ride home in the pouring rain! Up teh road into Cedar Hill Golf Course, down teh 18th fairway and zooming over some gravel and then chip trail. A short lil zip and then back on teh road, FOOEY! Some more at the gorge and even more down the tracks and up past the Pongo Hospital. Gettin muddy and soaked for the sake of getting muddy and soaked!! Makes me reminise about days when we were children and our mom would send us out the door saying something along the lines of " Now stay the hell outta the mud puddles!!" or " Try not to get too dirty." well, as anyone would know that is just a giant neon sign to a kid sayin "GET AS DIRTY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN!!!" So most of the time we did. And as we found out there were no true consequences to our actions..... only mild irritations. This is how I feel riding home today. Going out of my way to find gravel, mud, grass, anything that will help in improving my already outstanding bike handling skills!!! HARHAR!! Almost soaking to the bone as I pull up the driveway, legs gritty, shoes full, mud in the teeth. telling myself that was awesome. As I drop my Chrome bag the buckle lands on my frigid toes.......F*#K!! Cold metal on colder feet not so good....but it doesnt matter as I was a snot nosed lil 8yr old punk getting as muddy and soaked as I could for no other reason then getting as muddy and soaked as I could!!! And it leaves me smiling. ( and shivering )


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