My 1st CX Race

I had the pleasure of entering my first cross race last weekend In Edmonton and I must say it was what I expected. Suffering, grinding, jumping running retardation!!! I loved it. Ive wanted to for some time and with Mical and I going for her races I brought my mtn bike just in case. Watching her Saturday race got me pretty inspired. She killed a solid 2nd place which I was so proud of. She said if I wanted to race then we would register that night and if not, no big deal! Well we got to the hotel that night and me and her father David went for a spin in the river valley to spank out the cobwebs left by a day of walking and shooting the course. Knee felt good, shoulder felt good and even the stitches felt pretty ok. Almost two hours zoomed by in the wind and impending darkness and I can say it was really kool to ride with Mical's father. He is super strong and uber mellow. And was keeping pace on his Xross bike....SWEET!! I think when he feels better he will torch me on a mtn bike. Stay tuned for that day!! :)! We got in and Mical asked if I wanted to and I didn't have a reason why not so I said sure. No backing out now, which is the best way for me to do things. Less thinking more doing!!

The morning sees me awake with a lil anxiety and sorry that my race is so early and we have to get up at that hour!! SORRY!! lol. Turn on some F1 to get my head into speed mode. Ma and Pa start loading gear as Mical and I eat some cobbler and enjoy some koffi. She is used to the morning b4 races, its only my 2nd in a yr. Feelin ill and I'm only racing sport as I only have a mtn bike. In my stressful preparedness I got everything all prepped the night b4 so I just need to get changed and load up.

Vans all loaded so Mical and Me walk down to get one more cuppa jet fuel! Really brisk this morning and I'm wishing I wore pants.....oh well. These Dickies are long enuff I guess! We are fueled up and ready to we just need to find the place. Dave is our pilot and he has it all dialed..with the help of Micals Magellan programing.

Goldbar Park is the venue and its a glorious day. It's a lil brisk but its Xross so its perfect. We get signed in and get my alberta numbers so I am official pressure!! We do a few la

ps and the course is pretty fun and fast. The steeples are at the top of a hill....UGH!! I handled it pretty well after being coached by a hot blonde...;). OK, race time. I line up close to the front and wait for role call. it is actually the calmest I've been since i registered. A lil smooch from Mical and Im raring to go now.

Good start and I set up a pretty ok pace as I know that these races can kill you. told myself that top 15 and im stoked. 2 laps in and im suffering hard. l;egs are stiff, mouth is mud but I push through, 3 more laps...I think. I get into a group of like 7 guys and its slow going as the course is pretty tight. Last lap and I'm still entangled. I end up getting passed by 4 guys on the last part of the lap, which really bummed me out as I had no answer. Last lil dh to the finish and I am outtta my saddle hammering. No real reason other then pride as there isnt anyone to catch!! lol.

Mical spins out to greet me with a hug and a smooch and wicked words of encouragement. One of the guys that passed even said " Good job pushing that thing around", refering to my bike. Having Mical there, as well as Brenda and David, was soooo awesome. Ive never felt support like that in my life and now I dont want i tto end! :) I could never thank them enough for making me feel important even though Mical is the true star.( a title she truly deserves). Mical and I go for a spin to kool down and then get a lil grub and warm clothes and prep to watch Mical kick some ass.

Results are in: 13th outta 48 starters. I can be very happy with that and now i reallllly cant wait to get home to some normallcey and Xross races!!


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