Rest Day

I wasn't going to ride at all today, give the knee and shoulder and day off. Decided I would be Lil Suzy Homemaker and take care of a bunch of stuff for the family. Well.....that only took like 3 hrs. And there is so much more time in the day. A lil chilly today so I geared up around 3 and headed out for just a slow and light spin. I don't know why I keep telling myself I can do slow and light, but I will keep trying!! Head down to waterways and cut off up the path as this is only going to be an hour spin...right? Chugging up the hill, knocking the crust off of my sleepy knees. Cresting the hill I decide to go the back way through some quad trails, cross the "bridge" and through rotary and back down to waterways...sounds easy right? Riiiiiiight!! These trails are so fun because they are sooo muddy. Slipping and drifting around like a 10 yr old who's mom said " Now have fun but stay outta the puddles!!" The mud is also what makes these trails difficult. Trying to climb some of these hills is like being on a wind trainer in your basement but having it set up at a 25% grade and getting you girlfriend to chuck mud in your face!! Trying to find the bridge across tales me down some GREASY slopes. So fun riding on brown glass! To the bottom I arrive only to see that the beaver had been a busy lil f*@ker. That combined with the fact I took the wrong trail meant a long slippery climb outta the mud hole!! I repeat this stupidity a couple more times, never actually finding the bridge! Find a wicked, windy quad track so I zip back to the highway on that. Its a perfect cross training track as its fast, then sand, then fast, then sand! Legs feel god, shoulder is aced so I decide to do a FMM classic trail called T.N.T. I remember cutting some of this trail in, even erecting a dodgy as hell skinny over a rock face, of which the skeleton still remains. Most of the trails here are very short then you bridge to another one, and another. This is no exception, but still a super fun lil trail, just as I remember. Takes you out to The Face, so i shoulder Mary and sprint up the hill, hop over a fallen tree and practice my mount...not bad for a bike that's 4.5 feet off the ground!! lol. More slippy spinning to a hill that makes the Rad Racing run up look like a dh track! More practice for CX. Odd that I have never ridden a Xross bike the intended way but that's what I am driving for right now. Its all about fun this winter!! :) Over the top and mount again, a lil wobbly this time thanks to all the ruts in the road. Grab the connector and slip my way back into waterways, mud flying all over the place, big ass grin on, catching mud and flies in the teeth. Roll in to town, past my old high school and through some of teh old neighborhoods I used to terrorize ( not like terror just in case homeland security has me wired ). Recognizing houses as I spin buy. "That's where Brent lived, that's where Chin used to live.......etc". It makes my brain wonder what all these people are doing with their lives. Hoping that they are happy and enjoying life as much as I am learning to right now. I make it home, knee feels good, shoulder is still mint, Mary is a sloppy friggen mess. I don't remember EVER being this muddy, well the bike anyway. I came out pretty unscathed. All told my rest day turned into a 2 hr muck fest and i wouldn't have it any other way!


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