Just Pedal

Through all that is happening right now with my family, with my life on hold in Vic, and with me, the one thing that remains is my love for riding my bike. I was super bummed this morning, didn't wanna get out of bed at all to face the day ahead. Thoughts of someone made me smile and i decided that I wouldn't be a slave to my emotions! Not today! Not ever again!! pulled my ass outta bed and went upstairs to make some koffi and breaky. A very nice stove top espresso pot was left in my lucky lil hands as well as a grinder that may or may not kill me...but thats another tale!! Had a few cups and some porridge and fruit and sat down to review some photos and write as it always clears my melon a lil bit. I am cheering up as I look past rolls of photos and put words to "paper". The whole house is quiet as mom and dad rest.....still. Cant remember them ever sleeping this much. Well maybe mom but never dad. I guess cancer kinda tuckers you out! I am feeling a lil better about my morning as it passes 12 and is no longer here. I trot downstaris and get prepped to do a lil ride. No planned route in mind, just up one of the hills and figure from there

Riding out behind Vargo's old house, past the water treatment station to The Snye. Memories follow my every pedal stroke. Past the vball courts and into Syncrude Towers courtyards. Seeing the underground parking and massive speedbumps brings me back to childhood days when we would tear ass through the parkades, the speedbumps were the best jumpsI had ever seen at that time and I felt like Stu Thomsen killing triples on a So-Cal bmx track. The simplicity of these memories makes me realize that almost all I need is in front of me. Anything that has ever happened to me I have always been able to "brave face" it, deal or not deal with it, and get on my bike and Just Pedal. Bringing my bike here makes me realize how lucky I truly am. That no matter how crummy mentally or physically I feel I can go to the garage, pull Mary of the hook and Just Pedal. The mind slows down and all that matters is the trail ahead of me. Beiing able to ride that goofy bike makes me so happy and brings me to the days when all I had to worry about was making sure mom didnt know i was breaking her "border rule" to go jump speedbumps. Corney as it may sound i just really love riding my bike. Grinning ear to ear is much more fun then frowning and dwelling! Things happen, people get sick and die. Embrace who you are, who and what you have and leave everything "on the field"! You can only control what you do, and even then it may be a struggle. but fight through it and you will be who you need to be, whomever that may be.

(Regan puts away soapbox )

As i reached the bottom of Thickwood my knee was a lil grumpy, but not to bad so I went across and up to the entrance of Birchwood trails and for some reason felt unbelieveabley strong. Hammered through those trails fro 1.5 hours, pushing myself past where i normally do. Throwing in some "regan pringle yippee sprints" and really having a hoot. It's a perfect tempertaure, leaves on the ground and the scent of fall in the air makes this an almost perfect day. Still great so I make my way over to Fisheries to zoom through there as well. Now that I'm semi used to the roots it will be a lil faster and more fun through here. Big ring through most of here as well, which not only surrised me but increased my desire and my stoke. A few rain drops but no big deal, having a blast. Rain gets harder and turns into hail and it just makes me cringe. Started to get a lil agitated thinking " anything else you wana do to me today?" then realzed I'm in a thunder hail storm on a sweet trail by myself with killer tunes rolling!! "smarten up" !! I pull my hat out and put it on to keep my eyes a lil free of the water. I havent been this wet since winter in Vic last year and i am starting it to laugh about it again. As I exit fisheries and hit the path back to town i gear up and shred a lil, thoughts passing through my head of people in my life, the things ahead fo me and whereI may end up and my shoulders lift to my ears in shrug as if to say " some of that is outta my hands.". No matter where I am or what happens, within reason, i will always be able to Just Pedal!


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