
Showing posts from 2012

What DId You Do Sunday?

So I have been yakking in Mical's ear for about 2 years now about doing a ride in the Cowichan Valley that encompasses Mt. Prevost, Maple Mountain and then finishes up on Mt. Tzouhalem, a ride dubbed 3Peaks. Now to be honest I knew this was a ride that Mical would absolutely destroy me on so i was a lil apprehensive of my fitness level. I had estimated that this would be about 6hr ride and maybe an extra hour of resting and stopping ( maybe puking or dying ). I almost pulled  the pin in the am as I wasn't feeling all that "comfortable" but after a wicked  omellete and some baked "crack" care of Choux Choux Charcuterie i was ready to push my limit screw for the day. After some packing and food prep we headed out ion what might have been the nicest day of the year yet. Here are some snap shots of our super long day in the saddle. Someone forgot socks  The grind up Prevost  The unrideable Cleavage  The view from Maple to Ge...

1st Annual Leechtown Invtational

Today was the first of which I hope are many, Leechtown races. For those of you not familiar with what or where Leechtown is, take a look. In my usual procrastinating way I decided to build my Masi SS late last night for the "race." I figured that a SS would be safe as most of the @stuckylife guys run singles. Man was I surprised when the only two SS ( not including the fixies) were Pro city boys, Colin being the other. Well, no refunds so nut up and enjoy the hurt! I think there were about 26 people out which for a gloomy Sunday is frigging awesome. Good to see Tanya out after nuking her elbow at The Ricky Bobby. It was set up Neutralized for the first 15k or so till Veterans Memorial and after that it was game on. As soon as we were off neutral it was giver. With a lot of road crossings for the next while i realized the single speeds only downfall was with all the yielding, it meant a lot of accelerating. Well i do need work on my starts so take the positive right? It lo...