
So we live in Victoria for the moderate climate and (if you discount the cost to live here), easy living. So its funny when we sometimes get walloped by mother nature. We awoke Tuesday to find about a foot of snow on the ground. Snow day you say? Not for this hearty Albertan. I merely put one more roll into the cuff of the jeans and hopped on the Xross bike. It was so deep that my feet were buried at the bottom of each pedal stroke. But with no tracks anywhere it was fun and rather easy to ride. What wasn’t easy was shoveling the super heavy wet snow to make a path to the front door at work. But I got’er done. Needless to say it has been a little slow around Victoria with all the snow. It feels like I am driving around in Alberta because it is actually cold(ish) as well. And let me tell you I don’t miss it much. Mical dragged me out Saturday to try and ride in this 0degree snowy weather and let me be honest. For some reason I was very grumpy at the prospect of it. So we lef...