
Showing posts from August, 2009


Well I am afraid to say its my bday today. 35 yrs young, no idea i would have made it this long, and virtually unscathed!! Marty party last night but wasn't too into it so i muddled around, socialized a lil and had some "performance Beer". Got up today and had a yummy breaky and coffee and slowly got ready for Mary to take me out for a ride. Shes been a lil owly lately so we need to have a good day and get past that! lol.....Christ its a bike im talking falling off the deep end i think!! haah!! The whole ride was pretty good. 3.5 hrs on somee hidden trails of the backside of the dump which is now my second favorite trail up there. tight, technical, grunt worthy. really old school and fun, i think anyway!! washed out and slammed a rocky corner on my already uber-tender shoulder and let out a horrific series of "f-bombs"...sorry if anyone was in earshot....needed to be done. came out on the wrong spot of teh connector and asked a couple for direction...